There once was a man from?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Anyways enough of the serious cutting edge world issues on Angry Clown, its time for some fun...SO HAVE SOME FUCKEN FUN NOW!!
"Caption this" posts suck, I really hate them but it seems that a lot of "people" like them it think its fun and interactively goodness and junk...Balls.
So here it is, Angry Clowns first EVER "caption this" contest, you could win a million dollars or that new liver your alcoholic father so desperately needs, are you going to tell him that you wont save his life because you refuse to submit your funny fucking caption to Angry Clown? Yeah I thought so!
You have 1 week to amaze me and "the others" with your witty remarks, enjoy.
A million dollars? Well hell then...
"Look at me! I'm what happens when Santa ear fucked Yoda!"
Yeah sure you could win a million dollars...not from this caption contest but who knows? You could win the day!
Cheers Don well done !
That picture took me forever to figure out what it actually was.For a minute there,I thought someone was getting face fucked by a furry stingray.
If it's suppose to be an old man,I'd say it should be captioned as....."A wise man once told me that if you look to the second star to the right you'll see your anus."
"Dirk tried out an alternative treatment for hair loss. Scientists extracted DNA from Woolly Mammoths and have had great results. Unfortunately the side effects are taking some getting used to."
"Behold! The Great Wizard Of FuckFaceVille. Watch in wonder as the Great Wizard pulls a turnip from his ass and butters it with his crusty magic wand!"
And the winner issssss, drum role please! Thinkinfyou for her outrageous use of the word "anus" totally brilliant!
Congratulations you've won a years supply of air woooooohhhh yeah (the liver went bad)
WOO HOO!!! I'm sooo excited!! Thanks so much! I don't know what I'm going to do with all that air!
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